Comfy Country Creations learned their craft from their grandmother.

Article Exchange for
Comfy Country Creations

Comfy Country Creations

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Our Loft
Quilts, Gifts, Decorating, Restin' & Relaxin', Pampering

Craftin' Room
Kids Fun Stuff, Adult Crafts

Hearth of our Home
Recipes, Crafts, Cookbooks, Tips,

Readin' Room
Craft Books, Antiques and Collectibles, Gardening and more

From the Porch
Helpful Tips

Helpful & Handy Tips
Kitchen, Outside Help, Individual Items

General Store
Home and Garden Products

About Us Folks



Contact Info

Comfy Country Creations
P.O. Box 10181,
Airdrie, AB
Phone: 403-912-2654
Fax: 403-912-0543

These articles are available for exchange and linking. You can link directly to our website by using the URL at the top of each page. You can also save the photos and copy and paste the text and use it on your own website as long as the link at top of each page stays the same. If you are unsure of how to do this please write me.

Please e-mail your article for review and we will post it in the appropriate section of our website.

Choosing Quilt Fabric

Selecting Quilt Patterns

Attracting Birds to Your Environment

Container Gardening with Strawberry Pots

Making Decorative Garlands